The Importance of Dog Training

Dogs are considered man’s best friend. They are there for you day in and day out. Owners should be the same way! A great way to do that is to train your dog. Training your pup is no small feat, but it can be done. To help you get started, here are some examples of an end goal, the important reasons why your dog should be trained, and some tips on how to get started. Keep in mind that all dogs and owners are different, and that these are just some general suggestions.

What Does a Well Trained Dog Look Like?
To be honest, dog training will look different for everyone. Each dog is different, and each human has different wants and needs for their relationship. Dog training is not a one size fits all. However, here are some general ideas for a what a well trained dog looks like.

1. Good Listener
A dog who listens to commands from their human is a well trained dog. By coming when called, leaving the object they were told to leave, or staying when told to stay, that dog is a safer and happier dog with a happy human.

2. Gentle On Their Leash
Loose leash walking is a great way for a dog to get proper exercise and mental stimulation. If your dog is pulling you down the road, neither of you are really having a good time. By walking loosely there is no pulling or straining, but rather time (and patience!) to stop and smell the fire hydrants.

3. Calm With Guests
A family friend comes over for a visit. As they walk in your house they are barked at, backed into the wall by an overly obnoxious sniffing nose, and even jumped on! A well trained dog will listen to commands and be kind when new guests arrive. This makes for a pleasant experience all around.

Why Should You Train Your Dog?
Training your dog has many benefits, and is truly vital for a good human-dog relationship. By not training your dog, you may be doing both you and your dog a disservice.

1. Mental and Physical Stimulation
Dogs are smart, and can be hyper. By training your dog, you can provide your dog with mental stimulation. This prevents destructive boredom habits, such as chewing. It also provides for positive physical stimulation. Being able to have your dog run through the house when called, or walk calmly on a leash makes for great physical exercise!

2. Training Creates a Strong Bond
If you dedicate 10-20 minutes every day, solely to your pup, you are bond to grow closer. Positive training sessions allow for you and your dog to learn how to listen to one another, and how to respect one another.

3. A Safer Time
A dog who isn’t trained, will not come when called. A dog who isn’t trained could break away from you on a walk. A dog who isn’t trained, isn’t as safe as a dog who is. By training your dog, you can be confident your dog will walk with you, and come back if called.

What Are Some Tips For Training?
Training is not one size fits all, but here are some basic tips to hopefully inspire and push you in the right direction. Find what works for you and your pup. Don’t be afraid to not use some things, or add more.

1. Socialization!
This should be done as early as possible. Introducing a dog to the world can be frightening at first. New smells, sights, and sounds can all come at once. By socializing early your dog will get used to exploring new places, meeting new dogs, and meeting new people.

2. Take Breaks
Dogs have an attention span just like us! They will get bored, they will have bad days. It is no reason to give up. Maybe today is not a day for repetitive sits, but rather a game of hide and seek to practice recall. Don’t be afraid to get creative, and make sure to have patience.

3. Proofing and Proper Toys
Make sure to provide your dog with proper toys. The best-trained dog still needs to chew. By putting objects out of reach, and providing proper toys, your dog is bound to be well behaved! This will save you time, money, and frustration.

4. Seek Professional Trainers
There’s nothing better than learning from a professional. Do some research and see if there are any local trainers. Meet up with them, talk with them, and see if they’re the right fit for you and your pup. You may have to meet with multiple trainers to find the right one, and that’s perfectly okay. Taking the time to find the right trainer is better than working with the wrong one for you.

5. Have Fun
Owning a dog is a special thing. It’s not meant to be homework, though caring for a dog is a challenge! Your dog is your best friend, companion, and someone who loves you unconditionally. Make sure to have patience, but also to have fun. Training your dog can be an awesome experience, one that you can learn so much from.

Should You Buy Wet or Dry Dog Food for Your Dog?

Most dogs will eat whatever food they are given when they are hungry, but how do you know whether wet or dry dog food is best? Choosing food for your dog is generally down to personal preference, as both wet and dry dog food products offer plenty of variety and nutrition. It may also be the case that certain dog food products are more suitable for some dogs than others.

The benefits of wet dog food

The main benefit of wet dog food is that it has a high water content (around 60 – 84%) which can help to ensure that your dog is kept well hydrated – especially if it doesn’t drink as much water as it should. Wet dog food has a stronger taste and smell than dry dog food, so it may be a better choice if you have a dog that is a picky eater or is losing its sense of taste and smell. Wet dog food can also help your dog to eat more slowly and maintain a lower weight.

The benefits of dry dog food

Dry dog food, or kibble, has quite a low water content (around 3 – 12%) and doesn’t deteriorate when left out in your pet’s bowl for long periods of time – therefore leading to less waste. Kibble has a high calorific value that enables you to feed your dog comparatively less food and, due to less packaging, is more environmentally friendly. Kibble is a more cost-effective option, too, because you can buy it in large quantities and adjust portion sizes more easily.

When you are training your dog, dry dog food can make the perfect treat to reward good behavior. Using dry dog food as treats can prevent you from overfeeding your dog, as you can use the treats as part of your dog’s daily food intake. Dry pet food is also lightweight and easy to clean up, making it a great choice for trips out and holidays.

Can you combine the two?

Both wet and dry dog food offers your dog different benefits, and therefore shouldn’t generally be served at the same time. Mixing two different types of dog food also makes it more difficult to keep track of your dog’s daily food intake. It is worth noting that some dogs may be sensitive to certain ingredients, so mixing two different types of food could lead to stomach upsets. Overall, it is best to find a food that suits your dog and stick with it.

Age can matter

Older dogs may struggle to eat dry dog food, due to dental issues and difficulty in chewing, so it is important to consider this situation when choosing food for an aging pet. When it comes to feeding puppies, it is important to buy dog food that is suitable for the age of the dog. Puppies may also benefit from having dry dog food moistened up with a little warm water at first until they get used to the hard consistency.

Consider the content

There are so many dog food products available to buy these days that it is difficult to know which ones are best for your dog. You should always read the back of the dog food packaging carefully before buying to ensure that you are getting the purest ingredients and all the nutrients your dog requires. Dog food products are essentially made up of around 70% meat and 30% vegetables, along with permitted fats and oils. Avoid any dog foods that list high levels of artificial flavors, preservatives, or sweeteners.


There is no such thing as a perfect dog food product that suits all dogs, as every dog has different requirements and preferences. If you decide to move your dog over to a new dog food product, remember to change it over slowly in case any adverse reactions are experienced. Whether you decide to give your dog wet or dry dog food, remember that the most important thing is that your dog remains in good health and enjoys its food.

 Should You Buy Wet or Dry Dog Food for Your Dog?
Should You Buy Wet or Dry Dog Food for Your Dog?

Protect Your Pets from Fleas and Ticks in the Fall

Fleas and ticks are often seen as a summer problem, but both can show up all year round and it is just as important to keep your pets “visitor free” in the fall. In fact, early fall is one of the worst times for fleas.

Good flea and tick prevention is, thus, a year-round concern. One specific fall concern is leaf piles. Dogs (and cats that are allowed outdoor time) love to play in leaf piles. However, these piles can also be a haven for all kinds of insects, including fleas and ticks. It’s best to sweep them up right away and dispose of them properly. Other garden debris can also attract fleas and ticks. Ticks are also found in tall grasses, so keep mowing your lawn until the grass has become completely dormant. Also, remove dead annuals and other brush debris from around your home.

Throughout the fall, you should check your dog for signs of fleas such as obsessive scratching. The growth of the winter coat can provide a better environment for fleas to hide in. Regular brushing can help deal with fleas and also reduce the amount of itching caused by shedding. If your dog likes to sleep outside in the pleasant fall weather, then make sure to clean their “den” regularly. Remove food and water bowls after use, otherwise, they might attract raccoons and opossums. Wash pillows and upholstery regularly, and resist the temptation to boot an elderly couch out onto the porch for the dogs, as it is likely a perfect flea nest. Check for ticks as soon as the animal comes inside.

Don’t forget your indoor cat either. Indoor cats can get fleas as well, generally hitch-hiking in on other people’s clothes, your dog, or that mouse they helpfully killed for you.

Fall is a time when many owners think the risk of their pets getting fleas goes down. However, that is not necessarily the case. Flea and tick prevention is a year-round thing, and responsible owners make sure to keep their pets safe.

Perpetual Well automatic dog water bowl

protect you pets from fleas and ticks in the fall

9 Ways in Which Your Dog Can Help You Stay Fit

Dogs can be wonderful fitness buddies. They are always happy to get out the door to be with you, they never complain about the length of a workout, and they can be so energetic, they inspire you to work out harder.

Research at Michigan State University has found that dog owners tend to be about thirty-five percent likelier than non-owners to get the 150 minutes of exercise each week that doctors recommend. It doesn’t matter if you’re just taking your puppy for a walk. If you keep up a brisk pace, you can burn more than 300 calories an hour. The great thing about dog ownership is that walking is just one of the many ways you have of getting exercise together. There are any number of other ways to try. Here are ideas.

Run with your dog

The great thing about running with your dog is that once you set up a routine, your dog will expect you to keep to it. No matter how lazy you feel on a given day, you won’t be able to say no to a dog waiting eagerly by your sneakers hoping that you can go on a run. It’s always great to have a running buddy who’s more energetic than you are.

Go paddleboarding

Paddleboards are perfect for dogs. You sit in the middle of the board and paddle, and your doggie stands at the far end, and happily looks out. You need to just make sure that your dog has a life preserver on, in case he falls off the board. Dog life preservers come with handles that help you pick them up with ease. Pick a calm day, and head out. You’ll burn lots of calories paddling to move forward.

Try kayaking

If you have a sit-on-top kayak, it can be a great way to take your dog out on the water. Small dogs usually like to sit up front, and larger dogs are usually comfortable in the middle, by your feet. As long as you go kayaking on calm, slow-moving waters, your dog should be happy. You should just make sure that you bring along a supply of treats to keep your dog engaged while you burn calories exercising your upper body with the paddles.

Try getting on a bicycle

If you have an extra-energetic dog that you have trouble keeping up with on walks or runs, you should consider getting on a bicycle. You’ll be able to go much faster than you would if you ran. Your dog will be grateful for a chance to run hard. If your dog has issues like anxiety, a chance to run can significantly help.

Get those rollerblades out

If you’re not much of a cyclist, you can strap rollerblades on when you take your dog out. You do need to be an expert rollerblader to make sure that your dog doesn’t yank you right off your feet. Take your dog to a park during an uncrowded time of the day, and you will have a lot of fun running around.

Join a doggie fitness class

There are fitness classes that are designed for both people and their dogs. These classes put you through high-intensity exercises for cardio and strength, and your dog gets obedience drills. While most of the exercises are aimed at you and not your dog, you’ll both have fun.

Try some doga

Doga, or dog yoga, is a popular activity these days. In the typical class, the instructor helps you try different kinds of stretches and moves, acupressure and massages for your dog. You get to do your own poses, as well.

Play active fetch with your pooch

With a normal game of fetch, you simply wait while your dog fetches a ball or frisbee that you throw. With an active game of fetch, you run alongside your dog to the article that you throw. Your dog will have a lot more fun racing you to get there first, and you’ll get lots of exercise, as well.

Try to walk or ski in the snow

If it’s cold and snowy outside, it’s still no reason to keep your dog trapped at home. While some dogs like Huskies are built for snow, nearly all dogs enjoy a romp out in the cold. You just need to make sure that you get your dog protective snowshoes to prevent snow build-up in the paws.

You don’t have to own a dog to get exercise with one. All you need to do is to get in touch with your local animal shelter and volunteer to walk a dog. Dogs at shelters really need walks. You are their chance for lots of fun and exercise.
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