Soothe a Dog During Thunderstorms

Many dogs suffer from fear during rain and thunderstorms. They might pant excessively, drool, pace, hide, or become frantic and destructive. Oftentimes, it is impossible so calm them down and it becomes a stressful experience for everyone in the house. These tips can help you soothe your dog and decrease the fear and stress they feel.

Music and Fans

Next time there’s a storm, play some relaxing music. Many dogs experience a positive emotional reaction to calming music, and these sounds can appease them during a storm. The music will distract them from distressing sounds of thunder and keep them calm until the storm passes. Turn a loud fan on to drown out sounds of rain and thunder.


If your dog views the crate as a safe place, try leading it to the crate next time you suspect rain is imminent. Cover the crate with a blanket to increase their feeling of security. Being closed in a small area might help your dog feel sheltered and safe from loud, scary noises. Make sure you stay nearby the crate to let your dog out if it shows signs of distress in the crate. Crating is also beneficial if your dog become destructive and has injured itself out of fear during a thunderstorm in the past.

Training: Adjust to Loud Noises

The best way to help your dog adjust to stormy weather is through training. Training a dog to remain calm on a rainy day can take time, so this step needs to be enacted before the storm hits. Start by playing videos of rain and thunder on the lowest volume setting. Scatter treats for your dog as the sounds play. Gradually increase the volume at the beginning of each training session. If your dog starts displaying signs of distress, lower the volume and take things more slowly. When a real storm hits, scatter treats and avoid showing signs of concern for your dog. It can be hard to ignore the dog when you’re worried about it, but acting normal will prevent the dog from associating your concern with impending danger.

Last Resort: Medication

After exhausting your options and your dog is still experiencing distress during storms, it might be time to speak to your veterinarian. They will be able to prescribe medication to keep your dog calm during a storm. It is not a perfect solution because most medications take an hour to have an effect and it is difficult to predict when a storm with hit. But for some dogs, medication is the only option.

If your dog displays signs of fear and unease during a thunderstorm, there are several options you can try to reduce its stress. Soothing music and crating are great to try for quick fixes. Training a dog to adjust to loud noises by creating a positive association with them takes time, but it will be beneficial far into the future. As a last resort, medication may be required to help your dog stay calm during bad weather.

Perpetual Well – automatic dog waterer

Dogs and thunder

Things You Could Be Doing To Shorten Your Dog’s Life!

Things  You Could Be Doing That Shorten Your Dog’s Life

As a pet parent, you probably take comfort in knowing that you do your best to help your dog have a happy life. You give your pet the best food you can, give him as much exercise as you have time for and lots of love.

It’s important to remember, however, that you need to do more than just the basics when it comes to taking good care of your pup. Often, your busy lifestyle can get in the way of some of the simple, but useful things that you could do to help your dog live a long life.

Thankfully, it’s never too late. You can always decide to put in a little extra care into making sure that your dog is healthy. Here are the mistakes to avoid.

You forget to socialize your dog.

When dogs do not have opportunities to meet other dogs and socialize, they often experience depression, anxiety, and fear. Some poorly socialized dogs even tend to develop dermatological problems. It’s essential to take the time out of your day to take your dog to puppy meet-ups and puppy play dates, and to let your dog meet and greet other dogs on the street when you go out on walks.

You let your dog out on his own.

Letting your dog out by himself without you keeping a careful watch, or keeping him on a leash, isn’t safe. From larger dogs and coyotes to cars and ill-intentioned people, there are all kinds of dangers that lurk out there. It’s important to make sure that your pet never ventures outside on his own.

You do not give your dog enough fresh water. 

Water is essential, and it’s necessary for processes like the circulation of blood, digestion, and removal of waste. Being dehydrated will have an overall negative effect on your dogs’ health longterm. Adding an automatic water bowl like the Perpetual Well to home will ensure your dog is well hydrated.

You throw your dog scraps from the table.

You probably know that you need to be careful not to let your dog eat anything with chocolate or garlic. These ingredients are toxic to dogs. You also need to make sure that your dog gets no scraps from your table, at all, however. Human foods tend to be high enough in fat and sugar content to be dangerous to canine health. If your dog likes to hang around the dinner table hoping for scraps, give him a bowl of dog food to eat in another room, free from the temptations of the table.

You give your dog too much exercise.

While all dogs need exercise, the amount of activity that’s appropriate varies from one breed to another. Short-nosed dogs such as bulldogs, boxers, and Pekingese tend not to breathe very easily. You shouldn’t exercise them when it’s hot, or when you notice that they seem to be lethargic or to pant too hard.

You allow your dog to breathe secondhand smoke.

Secondhand smoke isn’t just bad for humans; it’s bad for dogs, as well. A dog that is exposed to secondhand smoke all day can develop respiratory problems or even cancer. For your dog’s sake, make sure that you don’t smoke indoors.

You’re careless about taking care of your dog’s teeth.

According to the American Humane Society, eight out of ten dogs experience gum disease at some point. It develops when food residue forms plaque along the gum line. Just as with humans, harmful oral bacteria can cause kidney infections and heart valve disease.

Taking care of your dog’s gums takes a little work. You need to buy a finger-mounted dog toothbrush, and brush your dog’s teeth at least once a day. You can also look into getting additives that you can put in your dog’s water to help his dental health, and buy chew toys that help with plaque buildup.

You would be heartbroken if anything were to go wrong for your dog. Luckily, it doesn’t take too much care to ensure that your dog stays healthy. A few good practices are all you need to learn.

Picture of dog yellow lab. Things You Could Be Doing To Shorten Your Dog's Life!

9 Ways in Which Your Dog Can Help You Stay Fit

Dogs can be wonderful fitness buddies. They are always happy to get out the door to be with you, they never complain about the length of a workout, and they can be so energetic, they inspire you to work out harder.

Research at Michigan State University has found that dog owners tend to be about thirty-five percent likelier than non-owners to get the 150 minutes of exercise each week that doctors recommend. It doesn’t matter if you’re just taking your puppy for a walk. If you keep up a brisk pace, you can burn more than 300 calories an hour. The great thing about dog ownership is that walking is just one of the many ways you have of getting exercise together. There are any number of other ways to try. Here are ideas.

Run with your dog

The great thing about running with your dog is that once you set up a routine, your dog will expect you to keep to it. No matter how lazy you feel on a given day, you won’t be able to say no to a dog waiting eagerly by your sneakers hoping that you can go on a run. It’s always great to have a running buddy who’s more energetic than you are.

Go paddleboarding

Paddleboards are perfect for dogs. You sit in the middle of the board and paddle, and your doggie stands at the far end, and happily looks out. You need to just make sure that your dog has a life preserver on, in case he falls off the board. Dog life preservers come with handles that help you pick them up with ease. Pick a calm day, and head out. You’ll burn lots of calories paddling to move forward.

Try kayaking

If you have a sit-on-top kayak, it can be a great way to take your dog out on the water. Small dogs usually like to sit up front, and larger dogs are usually comfortable in the middle, by your feet. As long as you go kayaking on calm, slow-moving waters, your dog should be happy. You should just make sure that you bring along a supply of treats to keep your dog engaged while you burn calories exercising your upper body with the paddles.

Try getting on a bicycle

If you have an extra-energetic dog that you have trouble keeping up with on walks or runs, you should consider getting on a bicycle. You’ll be able to go much faster than you would if you ran. Your dog will be grateful for a chance to run hard. If your dog has issues like anxiety, a chance to run can significantly help.

Get those rollerblades out

If you’re not much of a cyclist, you can strap rollerblades on when you take your dog out. You do need to be an expert rollerblader to make sure that your dog doesn’t yank you right off your feet. Take your dog to a park during an uncrowded time of the day, and you will have a lot of fun running around.

Join a doggie fitness class

There are fitness classes that are designed for both people and their dogs. These classes put you through high-intensity exercises for cardio and strength, and your dog gets obedience drills. While most of the exercises are aimed at you and not your dog, you’ll both have fun.

Try some doga

Doga, or dog yoga, is a popular activity these days. In the typical class, the instructor helps you try different kinds of stretches and moves, acupressure and massages for your dog. You get to do your own poses, as well.

Play active fetch with your pooch

With a normal game of fetch, you simply wait while your dog fetches a ball or frisbee that you throw. With an active game of fetch, you run alongside your dog to the article that you throw. Your dog will have a lot more fun racing you to get there first, and you’ll get lots of exercise, as well.

Try to walk or ski in the snow

If it’s cold and snowy outside, it’s still no reason to keep your dog trapped at home. While some dogs like Huskies are built for snow, nearly all dogs enjoy a romp out in the cold. You just need to make sure that you get your dog protective snowshoes to prevent snow build-up in the paws.

You don’t have to own a dog to get exercise with one. All you need to do is to get in touch with your local animal shelter and volunteer to walk a dog. Dogs at shelters really need walks. You are their chance for lots of fun and exercise.
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Perpetual Well Tips

Five Ways to Make Your Home More Pet-Friendly for New Pets

Welcoming a new pet into your home is always an exciting occasion. However, before you bring your new furry friend home, it is probably a good idea to make your house a little more pet-friendly. Here are Five Ways to Make Your Home More Pet-Friendly for New Pets:

1. Hidden entrances and pet flaps

Make it easy for your new pet to move in and out of the home by installing easy to access entrances. You can go for a traditional cat or dog flap, or make the entrances hidden by making them a part of already existing fixtures. For instance, you could have a door installed on the lower part of a kitchen cabinet to enable your pet to access the house through this area.

2. Constant supply of fresh water

Install Perpetual Well an automatic, self-filling & self-draining pet water bowl. Perpetual Well ensures your pet has constant access to a fresh, filtered bowl of water that never overflows or leaks. It’s excellent as cat or dog water dispenser, and You’ll love never having to worry about whether your pet has a clean, fresh bowl of water!

3. Durable floors

The best floors for pets should be scratch and damage resistant while still being comfortable enough for your pet to walk on without slipping or falling. The best options include hardwood, bamboo, stone, cork, and vinyl. You should take your pet’s size, breed, and age into account when selecting floors to ensure that you have a durable option that will withstand the activity of even the most energetic pet.

4. Pet-friendly furniture

Ensure that your pets have their own furniture where they can rest, relax and sleep. This will allow you to avoid having to clean fur out of your good furniture all the time or having to share your bed with a large pet who takes up much of your space. There are various types of pet furniture including beds, baskets, crates, sofas, stairs, and others designed to ensure that your home is as pet-friendly as possible.

5. Windows with screens

Ensure that you invest in some tightly fitting screens on your windows if you live in a high-rise apartment or in an area with lots of traffic. This prevents pets from getting out of the house or falling from a high-up window.

new pet