6 Ways to Boost a Senior Dog’s Energy

It’s hard to watch a senior dog slow down, especially one that was a ball of energy most of his life. But age brings a host of problems that can affect a dog’s pace and vitality, from arthritis to cognitive decline to hypothyroidism. Fortunately, you don’t have to take a passive role in your pet’s aging process. There are things you can do to boost your senior dog’s energy and keep him healthy, active, and on top of his game. Here are six ways to boost a senior dog’s energy:

Encourage Age-Appropriate Exercise

While your senior dog may seem content lying around all day, it’s a habit worth breaking. Give your pet adequate rest time, but make sure he stays active too. There are plenty of exercises that energize senior dogs and improve their health, like walking, swimming, or a gentle game of fetch or tug-of-war. You might also consider dog sports suited for dogs with reduced mobility and stamina. Dog sports promote mental and physical stimulation, increased confidence, and enthusiasm. The American Kennel Club recommends tracking, rally, and obedience for seniors.

Modify Your Senior Dog’s Diet

Think your pet’s diet could be harming his energy level? It’s possible, especially if the food is high in calories and contributing to weight gain. Overweight senior dogs can become sluggish, plus they’re at increased risk for more serious health problems. Of course, your dog’s daily nourishment is his main source of energy, so you want to make sure he gets what he needs to stay well fueled. Check with a vet to determine whether a diet modification will benefit your pet. The goal is to find a high-quality, palatable food that helps your senior achieve and maintain an ideal weight.

Consider Supplements that Renew Energy

There’s a growing market for nutritional supplements for senior pets. Some supplements are mere hype, but others can be useful as part of an overall wellness plan for your senior dog. Supplements can also help put the pep back in your dog’s step. Fish oil, glucosamine, and chondroitin, for example, have all shown promise in improving joint health and easing arthritis symptoms, which can increase your dog’s comfort, mobility, and energy and encourage him to participate in more physical activity.

A Constant Supply of Fresh Water

Adding and Automatic Dog Water Bowl like the Perpetual Well to home will ensure your dog is well hydrated. Water is an essential component of the body and is also very important for specific body processes like the circulation of blood, digestion, and removal of waste which can all have an impact on your senior dog’s energy level. Being dehydrated can make your older dog very lethargic and can have an overall negative effect on your dogs’ health.

Exhibit Positivity

Senior dogs are sensitive and intuitive. They’ve known you for a long time and can gauge when something is off. If you’re feeling tired, depressed, or lazy, they’re bound to sense it and follow your lead. Make the effort to exude an upbeat attitude around your pet, even when you’re having a bad day. Communicating with your dog in a happy tone and using positive body language may be all that’s needed to perk him up and lift his mood. But any amount of time you can spend making him feel safe loved, and peaceful will help recharge his spirit.

Stay on Top of Your Senior Dog’s Health

Probably the best thing you can do to boost your senior dog’s energy is to remain vigilant over his health. Don’t ignore the signs or symptoms of lethargy. Instead, be proactive and get to the bottom of it. Senior dogs should have regular vet visits one or two times per year and should be seen when there’s a specific health concern, such as low energy. Sometimes the solution is as simple as treating dehydration or administering a pill to improve thyroid function. With the help of professional care, you can keep your pet in the best shape possible for as long as possible.

The lifespan of a dog is never long enough, but you can help your senior pet avoid feeling and showing his age. Take steps to improve his health and vitality, and make this phase of his life as satisfying as any other.

Ways to Boost you senior dogs energy Senior Dogs need Perpetual Well.

Where can I install my Perpetual Well?

Where can I install my Perpetual Well? Perpetual Well can be installed anywhere you can add or have access to a water supply and drain line. Homes with basements and crawl spaces will have more installation options, you can pretty much put it anywhere you want as long as you can get the plumbing to that location. Homes with concrete slabs will need to find an existing water supply and drain line to tie into.
Places to look include kitchens, bathrooms, laundry and utility rooms.

Example 1 in the video
This utility room has the plumbing already for a utility sink. We can use this existing plumbing and install perpetual Well here. We can also use this same plumbing and install it in this hallway. I would recommend the wall mount installation kit for this location.

Example 2 in the video
This kitchen has four places perpetual well could be installed. The first and easiest spot would be directly behind the kitchen sink, another place is on this end cabinet, It could also be installed into the cabinet door with some flexible drain pipe. The final location is on the backside of the dishwasher, and as you can see this is where the current homeowner decided to install Perpetual Well.

Example 3 in the video
This bathroom has three locations you could install Perpetual Well. The first location is on the side of the bathroom cabinet, It could also be installed into the cabinet door with some flexible drain pipe. If we come around to the backside of the sink, you could also add it here very easily. I would recommend the wall mount installation kit for this location.
Other potential locations include near washing machines and hot water heaters.

perpetual well laundry room installation. Where can I install my Perpetual Well?


perpetual well kitchen installation. Where can I install my Perpetual Well


perpetual well kitchen install. Where can I install my Perpetual Well


perpetual well bathroom installation. Where can I install my Perpetual Well

Perpetual Well… Never Dry, That’s Why!


Water is an essential component of the body and is also very important for specific body processes like the circulation of blood, digestion, and removal of waste; thus, being dehydrated is dangerous not only for humans but canines.

So what could be the reason?
Could it be that your dog is sick or unhappy?
Or could it be that you are overreacting?

You need to know the quantity of water your dog should take in daily before you trouble yourself with why your dog is refusing to drink water. The amount of water your dogs need can be influenced by several factors like its size, and how much exercise it gets. Luckily, there is a rule you can adopt. Dogs usually need about one fluid ounce per pound of bodyweight.
It’s normal and healthy if your dog drinks slightly less than the recommended water intake, especially if your dog has been less active of recent. However, if your dog is still drinking less than the recommended amount after crunching the numbers, then it’s possible something is wrong with your pet.
If you are still not sure whether your dog is taking the recommended amount of water, then you need to check for other signs or symptoms of dehydration, such as lethargy, dry mouth, sunken eyes, and depression.

Often, an injury inside or near the dog’s mouth could be a reason your dog refuses to drink water. Dogs are big chewing fans, especially tough objects to satisfy their chew urge. So, it’s very possible for wood chunks, rock or plastic to end up grinding around the inside of your dog’s mouth, inflicting small injuries that can cause pain when they want to drink. Also, your pet may not want to drink because of damaged teeth.
Anxiety and nerves can also lead to loss of appetite and thirst in pets. These emotions are sometimes connected to a change in lifestyle or environments, including unfamiliar faces in the home or new pets. Your dog can also be anxious if a family member is absent. In most scenarios, dogs quickly adapt to these changes by themselves, developing desires to drink and eat after a few days. Furthermore, susceptible dogs may require additional assistance to cool off and get well.
Your dog may be less willing to drink water due to changes in the water. Your dog can make a big deal over a minor difference in smell or taste of water. For instance, your dog might not be willing to drink city water because it’s more comfortable or used to well water. And if this is what you are facing, you can help your dog familiarize with the change by mixing some bottled water into their dish.
The next step to take an irrespective look on why your dog stopped drinking water is to visit your local vet. They can tell what’s wrong with your pet after examining it and recommend how to resolve your dog’s drinking problem. It’s important you visit a vet if your pet has an injury in the mouth that’s refusing to heal on time. Even if you feel your dog will get back to normal after a short while, visiting a vet is still a good idea.
So focus on keeping your pet hydrated till you see a vet.

Luckily for you, there are some techniques you can apply to keep your pet hydrated when it refuses to drink water.
First, you can add some fresh water to your pet’s food dish. Most dogs are more interested in eating so they can get water into their system through this method.
You could get a Perpetual Well an Automatic dog water bowl to ensure your dog has constant access to a fresh, filtered bowl of water.
Another way to keep your dog hydrated is by giving them some watery treats. Surprisingly, a lot of dogs love ice cubes. You can also give them fruits like seedless watermelon, blueberries, and apples; these fruits contain substantial amounts of water too. Veggies like carrots and cucumbers are also good alternatives. Note that not all vegetables and fruits are healthy for your pets. Just so you know, onions and grapes are really poisonous to dogs.
You can also persuade your dog to stay hydrated by preparing a broth with a small amount of chicken or beef. Not all dogs have the power to say no to or refuse a tasty meal; only a few can – well-disciplined pets. Make sure any meal you prepare for your dog should not contain garlic, onion or any other dangerous ingredients.
The unfortunate thing about this technique is that it will not work if your dog does not have an appetite for food. Do not give up if your dog refuses to eat. Keep offering your dog food, clean water and make sure you see a vet as soon as possible.

Your vet can identify why your dog is refusing to drink water. They will also recommend tricks that can restore your dog’s drink habit. Ensure you stick to their advice and provide honest answers to questions asked so they can diagnose the cause accurately and provide an accurate treatment plan.
That’s all! Your best friend should be back in perfect condition within a short period. Furthermore, ensure you keep track of your dog’s drinking and eating habits and if you notice any irregularities, contact your vet as soon as possible.

Automatic dog water bowl

Perpetual Well Durability Test

How durable is Perpetual Well?
Perpetual Well is designed to be virtually indestructible by your pet. Today we are going to show just how strong Perpetual Well is by performing a few durability tests.



Perpetual Well durability test


Perpetual Well durability test


Perpetual Well durability test

Perpetual Well… Never Dry, That’s Why!