A Guide to Help Your Dog Drink Enough Water.

Proper hydration is vital for our furry companions’ overall health and well-being. Just like humans, dogs require adequate water intake to maintain their bodily functions and prevent dehydration. However, some dogs may not drink enough water alone, leading to health issues.

Provide Clean and Fresh Water:
One of the most basic yet essential steps to encourage your dog to drink more water is to offer them clean and fresh water at all times. Make sure to replace their water bowl with a freshwater supply daily. Dogs are sensitive to the taste and odor of water, so using a clean bowl and fresh tap water can entice them to drink more.

Choose the Right Water Bowl:
Believe it or not, the choice of water bowl can make a difference in your dog’s water intake. Try a Perpetual Well, the World’s First Automatic, Self-Filling & Self-Draining Pet Water Bowl. Stainless steel or ceramic bowls can help, as plastic can retain odors and bacteria. Additionally, consider using a wider and shallower bowl to prevent your dog’s whiskers from touching the sides, as some dogs find this uncomfortable.

Flavor the Water:
Adding a hint of flavor to your dog’s water can make it more appealing to them. Add a small amount of low-sodium chicken or beef broth to the water to enhance its taste. Ensure that the broth does not contain any harmful ingredients like onions or excessive salt. Experiment with different flavors to find the one that your dog enjoys the most.

Wet Their Food:
If your dog is not drinking enough water, add moisture to their meals. Mixing a small amount of water or low-sodium broth with dry food can increase their water intake. This method also works well if your dog prefers wet food, as it naturally contains more water.

Provide Interactive Water Toys:
Use interactive water toys to make drinking water a fun and engaging experience for your dog. These toys dispense water when your dog plays with them, encouraging them to drink as they play. Such toys can benefit dogs that are easily bored or have a low interest in drinking water.

Set a Drinking Schedule:
Establishing a consistent drinking schedule can help regulate your dog’s water intake. While free access to water is essential, setting specific times for water breaks can be beneficial. For example, offer water after playtime, walks, or other physical activities to encourage hydration during periods of increased thirst.

Monitor Water Intake:
Monitor your dog’s water consumption to ensure they are drinking enough. Please familiarize yourself with their normal water intake and monitor any changes. Increased thirst or decreased water intake may indicate an underlying health issue, and it’s important to consult your veterinarian if you notice any significant changes.

Ensuring your dog drinks enough water is crucial for maintaining their health and well-being. By implementing these strategies, such as providing fresh water, choosing the right water bowl, flavoring the water, and using interactive toys, you can encourage your dog to drink more water. Remember to monitor their water intake and consult a veterinarian if you have concerns about their hydration. Properly hydrating your furry friend will contribute to their overall vitality and happiness.

automatic water bowl

How to Encourage Hydration in Your Senior Dog: Tips to Increase Water Intake

As dogs age, they become more susceptible to health issues, including dehydration. Proper hydration is vital for maintaining your old dog’s well-being and supporting various bodily functions. However, some senior dogs may have a reduced thirst drive, making it challenging to ensure they drink enough water.

Fresh and Accessible Water:
Ensure your senior dog always has access to fresh, clean water. Change the water frequently throughout the day to maintain its freshness. Use a clean bowl that is easily accessible and placed in a convenient location within your dog’s reach. Consider having multiple water bowls around the house, especially if your dog has mobility issues.

Temperature Matters:
Some dogs are picky about the temperature of their drinking water. Experiment with different water temperatures to find the one your old dog prefers. Some dogs prefer slightly cool or room-temperature water, while others enjoy slightly warmed water during colder months. Offering water at your dog’s preferred temperature can entice them to drink more.

Try Different Bowls:
The type of water bowl you use can impact your senior dog’s drinking habits. Some dogs may prefer shallow bowls, while others may prefer deeper ones. Additionally, certain materials, such as stainless steel or ceramic, can help keep the water cooler for extended periods. Experiment with different bowl options to find the one that encourages your old dog to drink more.

Wet Food and Hydration:
If your senior dog is less interested in drinking water, consider adding moisture to their diet through wet or canned food. Wet food contains more water and can help supplement their overall hydration. Consult with your veterinarian to ensure the diet is balanced and suitable for your dog’s needs.

Flavorful Additions:
Enhance the appeal of water by adding small amounts of low-sodium chicken or beef broth to their bowl. The subtle flavor can entice your dog to drink more water. However, monitoring sodium levels and avoiding excessive amounts is essential, as too much sodium can harm your dog’s health.

Multiple Water Sources:
Place water bowls in different areas of your home to make it convenient for your old dog to access water wherever they are. This approach is beneficial if your dog has mobility issues or spends time in various parts of the house. Additionally, consider having water bowls available indoors and outdoors, especially during warmer months.

Water Fountain or Running Water:
Some dogs are attracted to moving water. Consider investing in a pet water fountain that provides a constant flow of fresh water. The sound and movement may intrigue your senior dog and encourage them to drink more. Alternatively, leaving a faucet slightly running or using a drip system can also simulate running water, which may pique your dog’s interest.

Regular Exercise and Routine:
Maintaining a regular exercise routine can help stimulate your senior dog’s thirst and encourage water intake. Physical activity increases their need for hydration and can lead to a natural desire to drink more water. Consult your veterinarian to establish an appropriate exercise routine based on your dog’s age, breed, and health condition.
Proper hydration is crucial for the health and well-being of your senior dog. By implementing these tips, you can encourage your old dog to drink more water and reduce the risk of dehydration. Remember, it’s essential to consult with your veterinarian if you notice any significant changes in your dog’s drinking habits or suspect underlying health issues. With care and attention, you can help ensure your beloved companion stays hydrated and happy in their golden years.

automatic dog waterer

Automatic Dog Water Bowl

The Perpetual Well is an automatic dog water bowl that refills itself with water whenever the water level drops below a certain point. This means pet owners do not have to constantly monitor and refill the water bowl manually. The bowl automatically provides fresh water for the pet throughout the day. This can be very helpful for busy pet owners who can only sometimes refill their pet’s water bowl on time.

The benefits of Perpetual Well automatic dog water bowl go beyond convenience. One of the main benefits is that it can help ensure that dogs stay hydrated. Dehydration is a severe problem for dogs and can lead to several health issues, such as kidney failure, urinary tract infections, and even death. Perpetual Well can help prevent dehydration by providing a constant source of fresh water for the dog to drink from. This means that even if the pet owner is not around to refill the bowl, the dog will still have access to water.

Another benefit is that it can help keep the water clean and fresh. Dogs can be messy drinkers and may leave debris in their water bowl. This can lead to bacterial growth and other health issues. An automatic water bowl can help prevent this by providing the dog a steady flow of clean water. Perpetual Well has a filter, ensuring the water is as clean and fresh as possible.

Perpetual Well Automatic dog water bowls are also helpful for pet owners who have multiple dogs or pets. When multiple pets share a water bowl, ensuring that each pet gets enough water can be difficult. An automatic water bowl can help solve this problem by providing a constant source of water for all pets to drink from. This can help prevent fights or competition over the water bowl, ensuring each pet gets the hydration they need.

automatic dog waterer

Ten Tips for Keeping Your Dog Healthy

Dogs are a significant part of the family. You love your dog, so you want to help it live a long, happy, and healthy life. Here are ten tips to help you keep your dog as healthy as possible:

Feed Your Dog Correctly

To keep your dog healthy, you need to pay attention to its nutrition by feeding it the correct amount of the right food. Feeding your dog too much will make it obese. A significantly overweight dog is prone to heart disease, diabetes, and other obesity-related diseases.

Check how much food your breed and age of dog needs, and avoid giving it extra no matter how much it whines or pleads. It will also help if you feed your dog a healthy brand of dog food. If you are unsure about what type of food to feed your dog, ask your vet about which variety is best. Restrict the number of treats you give your dog, and provide a steady supply of fresh water to help it avoid dehydration.

Socialize Your Dog

You should make sure your dog grows accustomed to being around other dogs and humans while still a puppy. Your pet can suffer significant injuries if it gets into a fight with another dog. If your dog bites someone, you may face a fine. In the worst-case scenario, the authorities may destroy your dog for attacking a human. If you own a dog, it is your responsibility to make sure it is socialized correctly. Dog behaviorists can help tame an unruly dog that is aggressive towards humans or other dogs.

Dog Supplements

You can help prevent your dog from getting sick by purchasing the correct supplements and preventative medications. For instance, you can buy fish oil capsules for dog breeds prone to joint pain or purchase probiotics for a pet with a sensitive stomach. Always seek the advice of your veterinarian before giving a supplement to your dog.

Plenty Of Exercise

A dog that does not get enough exercise will gain weight and potentially suffer from diseases linked to obesity. Dogs also need the mental stimulation they gain from exploring new sights and smells on a walk. Therefore, not walking your canine friend will damage its physical and psychological health.

Find out how much exercise your dog breed needs. Try to do everything you can to make sure you meet its requirements. However, do not overwalk your dog. This is particularly important if it is a breed such as a French bulldog with a shorter muzzle prone to respiratory issues. Avoid walking your dog on hot days. Hot surfaces can blister your dog’s paws. When the weather is hot, look for alternative forms of exercise such as swimming or using a treadmill at home.

Groom Your Dog

All dog breeds have unique grooming needs. Breeds with long or curly coats tend to require more grooming. If you do not bother to groom your dog, dirt and dead skin will build up. What is more, its coat will eventually become matted and tangled. Not grooming your dog can lead to skin infections and dermatological issues such as itching, bald spots, and dry patches. If you are not sure about your breed’s grooming requirements, check with your vet or do some research online.

Love And Attention

Responsible dog owners give their pets plenty of love and attention because they understand that there will be consequences if they do not. Dogs that do not receive enough attention and love develop unwanted behavioral issues. Dogs need plenty of scratches, tummy rubs, and regular snuggles for the good of their mental health. If you intend to leave it out in the yard all day, you should not bother getting a dog.

Some dog breeds need more attention than others. Your dog will let you know if it needs more attention from you. You can also check with your vet to ask how much attention your breed typically requires.

Spaying Or Neutering

There are many good reasons to have your dog spayed or neutered. Spaying or neutering can reduce a dog’s risk of developing some cancers and prolong its life. Neutering can reduce aggression in male dogs. Spaying stops female dogs from going into heat, meaning you do not need to deal with associated symptoms such as bloody discharge or moodiness. Spaying and neutering also lead to fewer unwanted dogs pining away in animal shelters.

Checkups At the Vet

Try to get your dog checked out by the veterinarian at least once a year. Regular checkups will help your vet detect any dangerous health conditions or diseases early. When your vet discovers signs of illness early, you can take the appropriate steps to safeguard your pet’s health. Regular checkups also help you keep an eye on your dog’s weight to prevent it from becoming obese.

Keeping Your Dog Safe

Dogs tend to jump over fences and get lost. You can help keep your dog safe by having it microchipped. Ensure any toxic household chemicals are stored away from your dog and avoid feeding it anything that it should not eat. For example, dogs should not eat grapes, raisins, onions, chocolate, or garlic.

Observe Your Dog

When you love your dog, you keep a close eye on it. Thus, you will learn what is normal for your dog and what is not. If you see your dog behaving in ways that are not typical, contact your vet. For instance, suppose your dog is usually playful but has been listless and has not wanted to play for the past several hours. If an energetic dog suddenly becomes lethargic, it may indicate that something is wrong and needs medical attention.

A Fit Dog

Following the guidelines outlined in this article will help keep your dog happy and healthy. When you have a content, healthy, and energetic dog, you can enjoy each other’s company for years to come. Having fun together and sharing a close bond is what owning a dog is all about.